Antiquity - an international journal of expert archaeology


[Editor] Stoddart, Simon / [Assistant-Editor] Malone, Caroline / [Reviews Editor] James, Nicholas

ANTIQUITY is a quarterly journal of archaeological research. It has been the main journal of international archaeological debate and reporting for 75 years, and aims to present interesting topical and accessible material to a wide audience. Each number - published on the 1st of March, June, September and December - makes a book of about 240 pages. Its world-wide audience reflects its world-wide content. ANTIQUITY readers range from senior students, academics and others actively involved in archaeological research to keen amateurs and adult students, and it is found in all university libraries concerned with archaeology. Each issue includes an editorial, brief reports, current news in colour, research papers and notes, full review coverage of new archaeological books and occasional special sections on selected topics. [self-description]
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Internet Archaeology <>





United Kingdom

Veröffentlicht am
Thomas Meyer
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